A Word to Datsun Owners
Thank you for choosing a DATSUN. We are sure you will be happy you did. To
make doubly sure, in this manual we have included driving tips, information about
the location and purpose of dashboard instruments, comfort and safety features,
and much more that will help you know your DATSUN.
Before your dealer delivers your DATSUN to you, he gives il a careful
pre-delivery inspection, checking and servicing the mechanical parts to be your
car is ready to drive. Return it lo him for regular Servicing. You will find a periodic
maintenance and lubricalion :schedule in this manual.
When you returin your DATSUN to your dealer at the intervals our engineers
recommend, you will gain the maximum wearvlife from your car, and thenA will be
far less likelihood of operating difficulties.
Your dealer will validate your Warranty and Service Booklet each time you bring
your Car in for periodic servicing. This satisfies the requirement that your car has
been maintained at factory standnrds, if you need warranty Servie-_A Keep the
Warranty and Service Booklet 'in your glove box at all times. It is impoztant to you.
Your dealer uses genuine NISSAN parts, he has the equipment Adnd experienuex to
service your ear, he is kept advised of every new teem-.ical development and-you
are his customer, He wants to keep it that way. Your NISSAN/DATSUN dealership
is the bm place iur you to take your Car for any kind of service.
All information, specifications and illustrations in this manual are on a basis» of the.l latest
data obtainable al the time of the publication. Nissan reserves the right lo make changes or
improvements at any time without notice.
Opermlunal' economy is one uf the nulslandìng featurcs- of your DMII'SUN. By
developing thc following good driving hahils Even grenier ccflnomy muy hl:1l
DQ not pump the accelerator. Gently depress until the desired speed has heen
and ihen try In maintain-that speed,
Always drive the ear in :he gear which properly suits the driving conditions.
Maintain moderate speeds on the highway. Speedsebovc SU MPH [80 kmlh) will
considerably increase gasoline consumption.
. Maintain a safe distance behind other cur-s. Avoid sudden slaps.: This will reducc
. Excessive engine idling mcrtascs gasoline consumption. Il' yuu un: held up ln
und nre faced with a wait of mme-than a few minutes. rrmpomriìy
off the ignition to conserve: gasoline.
Krcp the tires at thc recommended inflation pressures für longer tire :md
fuci nonfarm?.
Keep your engine tuned-up und follow the recommended periodic maintenance
schedule. This will increase th:- lii'c of all parte. and lowcr opc'rntin'g costs.
cause the. liras to drug resulting ln premature lire wrar and additional gasolina.-
. Use the ai: conditioner only when necessary.
1f you fallow the .guideline-s enumerated. abow. you wiil attain rcrnarknbie
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