Monday, September 16, 2013

1969 Datsun 1000 Owners Manual B10 VB10 pdf

ÜWNER'S MANUAL NISSAN MOTOR CIO-Í LTD. TÜKYÜ. JAPAN Your purchase n'l a Datsun places »Irun in a tfistlnwishnd familv nl' automobile owners and drivers. The Datsun is a tpaiil'y prod-uct huilt tu satisfy exacting deman-:Is as tu styling, performance and driving characteristics. The purpose of 'Ihii bmah it 'tu maint you with Datsun features tls-signed tn add tu your maturing pleasure. Proper handhng, maintenance, breaking-irl and technical information are all provided tn .aid 1gunt-l drawing full perlm- n'rance from your Dalsun. Please rend thrnugh this manual and keep it in the glove compartment so that »feu can reedil? refef te mene-vet necessary. We? hope 'fun and ».ruur famili,r anja? many miles of high wríurrnancn and can: free driving in your Datsun. Contents

Ignition wur ning ligllwl` with the igniunn switch un the warning Dil Pressure warring light uhmm he illuminated only when ma erging i“ smp- The light glow-B when the Ignition is switched un peq m' iufm dimly' _l L_ l _ _ L L L_ and [#125 nut afmr the engine han been started. ¿s ung-ine spend increases, The light should dim Hnwwrl H the HEM remäins un “ne driving. 'and eventually E“ Dm' “l a “my law engin" Hpeml' stun the immedjalely um! chuck Lha.- all Il' thi: light dues nul. gt: mit. chtuk the fan. bult 0r level m. luhricminn Hysmmî Dlhur Parts uf the uiectrfical system.

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